WamOceanic's Musics

A Deaf Musician

In 2006, when I started learning music, the very first music that I was learning was “Fur Elise.” When I was learning it, this music attracted me so much that I wanted to know the name of the composer who composed it. After looking on song index of my songbook, I found that it was “L. V. Beethoven” and I also saw that most of the musics of my songbook were the compositions of Beethoven.
I was already attracted to “Fur Elise” and now seeing that most of the musics were of Beethoven, I thought to listen to all those compositions because he had created a different image in my mind. I got a deep influence of him after listening to them and that influence was so deep that I decided to know more about him.
    I searched about him on the internet and encyclopedias and I could not believe what I read there. That fact about Beethoven seemed to be unbelievable that “HE WAS DEAF.
It is obvious that music without ear is nothing. How can one take pleasure when he does not have ears? Beethoven was not deaf from childhood but he became deaf after passing a certain age. But even in this condition one cannot compose in an efficient way. It is really amazing to see that a deaf is a composer.
    But the more amazing fact about him is that he is the best composer (Know that for some it is Beethoven, for some it is Mozart, for some it is Bach, for some it is Hayden, but still Beethoven stands among best 4 or 5 musicians) till today in the whole world. Imagine how unbelievable it seems to be; “The best composer till today was a deaf.” The best music till today is “ODE TO JOY” which he created when he was totally deaf.
    Beethoven’s story is incomplete in our minds when another aspect of him is hidden from our sight. It is about the time when he was significantly becoming deaf. It is a great misfortune for a musician to lose hearing capacity and this was with Beethoven too. He became so depressed and disheartened on losing his hearing ability that life became a burden for him and he wanted to end up with his life. But it was his inner talent that helped him to survive during this time of agony. He could not end up with his life without giving the world the entire of the talent he had inside. This is very painful for a musician to live without ears but Beethoven lived bearing the pain inside. He stopped playing piano in public after becoming deaf because he was unable to hear what he was playing. His years were passed in sorrow and grief but he carried on and gave the world more than what any other musician could. With Beethoven music was advanced and actual growth of music took place. Through him the resources of the orchestra were increased, an added range was given to the keyboard of the piano; the human voice was given tasks that at the time seemed impossible of achievement.
    Beethoven has established a milestone for every musician to find his own way and think far beyond than a simply well-born. Imagine now how a deaf musician gave the world more than those musicians who were not deaf!

Links to Documentary:
  1. The Genius of Beethoven - The Rebel
  2. The Genius of Beethoven - Love and Loss
  3. The Genius of Beethoven - Faith and Fury

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